Lasana Gold Bridge LED Street Lights

In order to further improve the level of urban lighting facilities maintenance, ensure a good lighting rate, ensure that the public safety travel at night, recently, Lhasa Municipal Engineering Maintenance Office replaced Najing Bridge 152-post streetlights with more energy-efficient LED lights, the next step It is planned to replace the street lights in the Gema Magongsan section with LED lights. At the same time, the Lhasa Municipal Engineering Maintenance and Management Office has implemented a 24-hour personnel inspection system to further strengthen street lighting maintenance.

Lasana Gold Bridge LED Street Lights

The Nagin Bridge connects the South Ring Road and Beihuan Road. Many vehicles pass through, and the original street lamp is a solar lamp. Due to the long-established and damaged solar battery, the Lhasa Municipal Engineering Maintenance and Management Office recently discovered that the 152-post street lamp of the bridge has a different degree. The damage and low lighting rate affect the safety of the citizens.

“When we checked at night, we found that some of the lights on the bridge were not bright enough. Some of the lights went off later because of insufficient battery power.” Zhaxi Lawang, Chief of Maintenance Management Department of Lhasa City, introduced the situation. "The LED lamp has the advantages of high brightness and wide illumination, but it is also not easily damaged. At the same time, the street lamp is more energy-efficient and has a lower load."

In order to improve the intelligence of urban street lighting control, Lhasa City has installed a smart single-lamp control system for street lighting on some sections of Dangdeng Road (from the urban management committee of Lhasa City to the Department of Buildings of the Autonomous Region). This system can not only save energy, but also has The real-time alarm function can proactively alarm in case of damage for the fastest maintenance.


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