The lighting improvement project on both sides of the Jinjiang and Luoyang Rivers in Quanzhou is fully lit

As night falls and the lights come on, along the coastline of “Two Rivers and One Bay”, several landmark buildings simultaneously turn on the “Light Show”, and the prosperity and tranquility collide to create a bright night scene. On the eve of the May Day holiday, the lighting improvement projects on both sides of the Jinjiang and Luoyang Rivers in Quanzhou, Fujian were fully lit, continuously improving the city’s appearance and quality, and becoming the city’s new business card.


Dress up the “two rivers and two banks” with picturesque lights on the 36-kilometer shoreline

Since last year, the three-year action to improve the lighting of the central urban area has surged in Quanzhou, focusing on promoting the lighting improvement of “portal corridors, mountain line water systems, ancient city streets and alleys, and the New District around the Bay”, expanding the cultural context of Quanzhou Maritime Silk Road and the cultural heritage of the world. Influence and attractiveness. As a key project of this action plan, the lighting improvement project for the east area of Donghai City and the banks of Jinjiang and Luoyang Rivers came into being.

Starting from Jinji Barrage New Gate in the west, expanding eastward along the river, and reaching Luoyang Qiaotou Gate in the north, the 36-kilometer coastline on both sides of the two rivers is planned and designed in a unified manner. The organic combination of “core detonation”, 7 bridges such as Tian’an Bridge and Zaitong Bridge, 7 parks such as Beibinjiang and Jiangnan, facades along Donghai Street and 13 pedestrian overpasses, and nearly a thousand buildings are connected by points and lines. The promotion of noodles is connected in series to form a centralized display of “Two Rivers and One Bay”.

Aiming at the current situation of the region, the project is still making great efforts to enrich the urban texture level. The distant view emphasizes the spatial pattern of “mountain, city, and sea”. Viewing is from the perspective of citizens’ nighttime strolls, leisure and entertainment, enriching the interest and interaction of parks and squares along the line at night.

Interpretation of the three major elements of “Quanzhou Story” through ancient and modern times

On the Sunjiang Bridge, a long arched scroll unfolds slowly, and a picture scroll of China’s maritime trade in the Song and Yuan Dynasties leaps onto the “bridge”. Quanzhou cultural attractions such as Jiuri Mountain, Cliff Stone Carvings, and Laojun Rock in Qingyuan Mountain are presented one by one, creating a dazzling visual feast. The surrounding residents stopped to take pictures.

The Quanzhou element of Sunjiang Bridge is just a microcosm of the lighting improvement project on both sides of the river. In order to enrich the connotation of night scene lighting, the project incorporates three major Quanzhou elements such as “World Heritage Culture”, “Intangible Heritage Art” and “Quanzhou Spirit”. The theme gives a panoramic view of Quanzhou, a city full of pyrotechnics, poetry, and vitality, and tells the story of Quanzhou with light and shadow.

In line with the principle of “lighting up the whole and focusing on building”, in addition to Sunjiang Bridge, key areas such as Quanzhou Bridge, Shunji New Bridge, Zaitong Bridge, Tian’an Bridge, Taihe Plaza, and Donghai Central Business District have also passed “sound and light “, interpreting the development of Quanzhou from ancient times to the present, through the linkage with the lighting of surrounding buildings, forming a very diverse and charming night scene business card, adding a beautiful landscape to Quanzhou, the capital of cultural tourism.

4219 smart street lamps light up Yunyang County, Chongqing

In recent years, the country has vigorously promoted the construction of smart cities, and Yunyang County in Chongqing City is no exception. It has coordinated and built the “Urban One Light Project”. Now the main roads in Yunyang City have achieved full coverage of smart street lights.

4219 smart street lamps light up Yunyang County, Chongqing

As of December 2022, Yunyang County has newly installed 4,219 multifunctional smart street lights, covering a total length of 68 kilometers of smart lighting roads. You can see how “black technology” smart street lights can light up Yunyang.

1. Intensive renovation to help the city look good

In the past, there were many street light poles, video surveillance poles, traffic signal poles, road sign poles, etc. on the streets of Yunyang City. Traveling brings a lot of inconvenience, and it cannot meet the new infrastructure needs of 5G micro base stations and other equipment. In this regard, the Yunyang County Urban Management Bureau proposed the construction idea of “one pole with multiple functions”. It adopts a multi-functional smart light pole, installs it equidistantly, and lays an optical fiber pipe network to integrate 5G micro base stations, cameras, LED displays, etc. The sensing device is mounted on a light pole.

Smart street lights in Yunyang County use a combination of high and low arms to illuminate the roadway and sidewalk separately. The exterior design concept of the street lamp is based on the theme of “cloudy seasons, sunny mountains and rivers”, which is a fusion of “clouds” in the mountains and “water” in the Yangtze River. The shape is simple and elegant, and the atmosphere is elegant. The neatly arranged smart light poles have not only become the “heroes” for beautifying the city, but also have been given a higher value mission to improve the level of urban intensification and efficient management. “, is an important carrier of Yunyang smart city construction.

2. Light sensing, promoting the construction of smart cities

Traditional street lamps only have a single lighting function, which turns on and off at a fixed time. Sometimes it gets dark early and dawns late, and ordinary street lamps can’t sense it. This often causes unnecessary energy waste and the lighting effect on the road is also poor Not good, and may even increase security risks.

The smart multi-functional street lamp in Yunyang County not only integrates multiple functions, the biggest highlight is that it can realize remote monitoring and control, automatic intelligent monitoring of faults, according to the slope of the turning road, weather conditions, visibility level, seasonal sunshine changes, the brightness of the lighting It will change accordingly to give the road the most suitable brightness illumination and effectively save energy. For example, after 22 o’clock every day, when the traffic flow on the roadway decreases, the system will automatically reduce the power of LED lights, which not only meets the needs of road lighting, but also avoids energy waste. Smart light poles have good penetration in urban densely populated areas, and the layout is uniform and the density is appropriate. It can provide site resources and terminal carriers with wide distribution, excellent location, and low cost. It is the first choice for large-scale and in-depth deployment of 5G base stations in cities. .

The difference between smart street lights and traditional street lights is that it integrates urban management functions such as 5G micro base stations, environmental monitoring, video surveillance, LED display, one-key alarm, and emergency broadcasting. Smart street lights also have extended functions. In order to facilitate urban management, they can monitor the body temperature of traveling citizens, and even environmental impact assessment, environmental monitoring, and air quality data monitoring can be realized.

3. Implement “Double Carbon” and promote green ecological development

With the official implementation of the first national standard of China’s smart light pole industry last year, smart light poles ushered in a broader space for development. The new generation of information infrastructure represented by smart light poles has become an important carrier for improving the city’s energy level and core competitiveness, as well as a key enabler for promoting the development of the digital economy.

Under the background of “dual carbon”, green and low carbon have spawned new industrial opportunities, and continue to lead the development of the lighting industry in new directions. Deeply tap the potential of energy saving and consumption reduction. In May last year, combined with the promotion of LED light sources, the County Urban Management Bureau carried out intelligent upgrading and transformation of the light poles on the 2.2-kilometer section from Gangmao Hotel to Liangjiang Holiday Hotel on Migrant Avenue. A total of 127 light poles were upgraded and transformed. pole. After the transformation, the average monthly electricity consumption of this section has been saved by more than 800 kWh. In addition, more than 4,000 smart street lights in Yunyang City reduce carbon emissions by about 800 tons per year.

Using special LED lights, it only takes half the time to grow wheat

According to Dr. Brande Wulff, the leader of the research team, under normal circumstances, it takes four to five months for a crop to go from seed to harvest. By comparison, the team took just eight weeks to grow crops using specially adapted LED lights. At the John Innes Center for Plant Research in Norwich, UK, the research team irradiated the plants 22 hours a day and provided them with a rich nutrient solution. But even then, they wanted to experiment with growing techniques that were more energy-efficient than standard labs.

Using special LED lights, it only takes half the time to grow wheat

Dr Wulff said: “We urgently need to develop crops that can better adapt to future climates. It is a race against time to develop better crops. These new crops will be affordable, more nutritious, and higher yielding varieties, in order to help feed the world’s growing population.”

The crops are also known to be larger and healthier than those grown under normal growing conditions. The researchers mainly used LED lights that can emit blue and red light needed for photosynthesis in plants. Most laboratories and greenhouses use sodium vapor lamps similar to street lamps.

Dr. Wulff pointed out that most of the yellow light and green light emitted by sodium vapor lamps are not needed for plant growth, while LED lights can just provide the light needed for plant photosynthesis.

However, because it is impractical to irradiate large farms at night, the team’s “rapid breeding” technique cannot be applied to farms. But Dr Wulff said the findings could speed up the progress of crop research, leading to better-adapted crops that are more nutrient-dense and require fewer chemicals.

In addition, the research team is also trying to grow six generations of barley, peas and chickpeas in one year.

LED Plant Farm Produces Vegetables and Provides Heat

Plantagon, a Swedish food technology company, has released an office building design called “Plant Building”, and plans to build the first such magnificent indoor farm + office building in Linkoping, shetland, Sweden. Due to the unique business model of this farm, the urban farmers who cultivate here do not need to pay any rent at all, because the heat energy generated by the farm is enough to pay the amount.

LED Plant Farm Produces Vegetables and Provides Heat

The Plantagon underground farm, like other indoor farms, will grow plants in buildings with LED lighting. But the difference of Plantagon is that the heat generated by the lighting in the original room is usually discharged from the room to prevent the plants from overheating, but the Plantagon directly collects the heat and stores it in the building’s thermal energy storage system, which can assist office buildings. people keep warm in winter.

The way this underground farm collects heat energy is to use the water pipes passing through the LED lights to store heat energy in the water and then lead it to the heat pump system. This thermal energy storage system will allow the building to save 700,000 kilowatt-hours of energy per year, which is equivalent to saving three times the rent of the basement. In addition, the carbon dioxide produced in the office will also be discharged to the farm, and the fresh oxygen produced by the farm’s fruits and vegetables will be sent back to the office workers.

“The building owner agreed to let us pay rent for three years, so we don’t have to pay a dime for the basement right now,” said Hans Hassle, co-founder of Plantagon. “For urban farmers, if you really want to To grow vegetables and fruits in cities, we must find novel business models to make the food less expensive.”

The company plans to sell fruits and vegetables directly to office workers in the same building and two restaurants in it; about 1/3 of the production will be sold to nearby grocery stores, and the delivery process is close without consuming any petroleum fuel ; The other 1/3 of the production will be sold in the shop in the building.

“In Sweden, people are more interested in locally grown food than in organic food,” says Hassle. “People usually want to know where the food comes from.”

Hassle adds that if a piece of organic lettuce is shipped hundreds, or even thousands of miles, to the store, it could have a higher environmental footprint than lettuce grown on a local indoor farm.

Plantagon plans to open 10 underground farms in Stockholm within the next three years, starting with buildings already equipped with underground heat pump systems. The preparatory team is also discussing with local energy companies the possibility of selling the remaining thermal energy to other buildings in the area.

In Linkoping, a city 2 hours away from Stockholm, the company is planning to expand its underground farm into a 16-story “plant skyscraper”. In addition to the production of fruits and vegetables in the entire building, 2/3 of the space will be rented out for office use to maintain stable operations. The program is expected to be implemented in 2020 or 2021.

Another similar indoor farm project by Plantagon will also be implemented in Singapore. In this country that lacks arable land, most of the crops are imported from neighboring countries, like Malaysia, and when countries like Malaysia have less and less irrigable land and more and more people, Singapore has begun to be concerned about what can be done within its own territory. Plantagon urban farms that grow food generate interest. Similarly, some cities in China where it is difficult to get enough food have also started to discuss cooperation with Plantagon.

The company is raising funds on the crowdfunding platform FundedByMe to build its first farm. Hassle wants the initiative to reach as many people as possible, not just for financial reasons, but because he believes every citizen needs to be an active shareholder in urban agriculture.

“For us, food production is different from running other businesses. Food is like water. It is part of human rights,” Hassle said. “So we have a greater social responsibility and responsibility for the environment. This is the reason what we actively invite people to own some equity is because everyone should contribute.”

Add LED lights to pedestrian crossings in suburban Paris

The traffic in Paris, France, has always been famously congested, not only the number of cars but also the pedestrians and bicycles. Especially at a certain intersection, there are more people and vehicles vying for the road. Earlier, the government piloted a traffic safety device in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, which involved adding “ground LED lights” guidelines at traffic light intersections. It is estimated that the effect is extremely significant.

Add LED lights to pedestrian crossings in suburban Paris

This intersection is located at a crossroad outside Porte de Sèvres. Because of the car lane plus the light rail and the subway terminal, there are many people and vehicles, and it is always very busy. There are LED lights on the ground on both sides. As long as the green light for pedestrians is on, the LED lights will follow to turn green, and if it is red for pedestrians, it will turn red. The original intention of this move is to remind pedestrians who often bow their heads and play with their mobile phones, even if they keep their heads down, they pay attention to the lights. Later, a ground light was added to remind vehicle drivers to be careful of pedestrians (there are cars passing by like a pedestrian green light). Due to the positive response after the trial, the government is considering implementing it in Paris and the whole country to improve traffic and reduce accidents.

Taitung County Sanminguo Primary School replaced more than 200 sets of LED lamps

In addition to making Sanmingu Primary School a “Green Light Primary School”, all the T8 lighting fixtures used in the current classrooms have been replaced with environmentally friendly and energy-saving LED fixtures to create a high-quality learning environment and improve the learning efficiency of schoolchildren. The local life fighter Power Angel is also invited. Sharing life stories and bringing good songs moved all the children, teachers, and volunteers to the scene. Through the sharing of life fighters, children were encouraged to move forward bravely and learn to face life with an optimistic and positive attitude.


On the day of the activity, the volunteers specially arranged an environmental education course to learn about environmental protection labels through interactive games. The enriched activity content made every student gain a lot. They taught the children to care for the earth with practical actions. At the same time, they prepared many Christmas gifts to warm The hearts of the children, and let all the schoolchildren participating in the activity have a good memory.

Long-term commitment to the implementation of environmental sustainability policies. Since 2017, the “Green Light to Spread Love” sustainability plan has been launched to actively assist social welfare organizations and rural schools lacking resources to replace old energy-consuming lamps. So far, it has assisted 26 social welfare organizations Institutions and rural schools have improved lighting and installed 6,021 sets of LED lamps. It is estimated to save about 530,000 kWh of electricity per year, saves about 2.11 million yuan in electricity bills, and reduce carbon emissions by about 293 metric tons of CO2e; this project has also won customers and suppliers With the affirmation and recognition of the businessmen, we generously sponsored some lamps, responded to the charity and public welfare together, and created a bright and energy-saving living environment for social welfare organizations and rural schools.

Zhejiang’s first smart city road unveiled in Yinzhou District, Ningbo

The intelligent road of Yinxian Avenue uses smart street light poles as the main carrier, equipped with various sensing devices such as video, radar, and environmental monitoring, to create an accurate sensing system for all elements such as infrastructure status, traffic operation status, and meteorological environment, and for all time and space. In addition, the smart road of Yinxian Avenue will also comprehensively use new technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and digital simulation technology to create a digital model of all elements of an indefinite smart road, connect the physical world and the information world, and realize Urban traffic simulation deduction, data-driven decision-making, empowering smart urban traffic governance.

Zhejiang's first smart city road unveiled in Yinzhou District, Ningbo

As the first smart city road in Zhejiang, where is the wisdom of Yinxian Avenue smart road?

Smart lighting: multiple poles in one to purify the space, and create a “smart twin platform” to achieve intelligent management and control.

Aiming at the problems of high energy consumption, high management cost, and poor user experience of street lamps, through the intelligent lighting transformation of the section from the east of Yinxian Bridge to Qianhe, which is about 3.4 kilometers long, integrating various poles such as street light poles, traffic poles, and monitoring poles, Integrate the original 652 rods into 288 rods, reduce the rod rate by more than 55.8%, comprehensively save energy by 40% to 60%, and implement the mode of “multi-box integration”, “multi-network integration” and “multi-head integration” to purify the road space. At the same time, through the combination of the control system and the “smart road digital twin platform”, real-time monitoring of street lighting status and power usage data, the precise location of street lighting failure points, the initial judgment of failure causes, and overall improvement of street lighting and maintenance efficiency.

Smart parking: the integrated management model creates a city model of “unattended” and “collaborative intelligent management”.

At the Jinyu intersection of Yinxian Avenue (next to Yinzhou No. 2 Hospital), a parking-integrated management system based on full video is built, integrating parking services, charging services, sharing services, law enforcement and evidence collection, and more than 20 parking spaces, creating unattended parking management And non-contact law enforcement models, through non-inductive payment, stop-and-go payment and other means, improve the parking experience of citizens, reduce parking parade time, alleviate parking problems, and reduce traffic carbon emissions.

Smart transportation: precise control of holographic road sections, and create an interactive travel experience.

1. Build holographic road sections to achieve precise control

A holographic road section will be built on the 0.7-kilometer section from Ningnan Road to Tiantong Road. Through the setting of Leishi fusion sensing equipment, high-definition video comprehensive information collector and intelligent AI spherical camera, the 150-meter distance between the main road intersection and the surrounding motor and non-motor vehicle lanes can be realized. Full coverage, through high-precision detection of traffic flow parameters and traffic behavior, realize early warning of traffic incidents, illegal evidence collection, target tracking and trajectory replay, provide data support for road traffic control, and realize remote quick fixes for accidents and automatic signal optimization, helping Traffic safety prevention and control and congestion management.

2. Create a smart bus station to enhance the interactive experience

Carry out intelligent transformation of two bus stops in front of Huamao School on Yinxian Avenue and at the southeast corner of Ningnan Intersection, realize real-time release of bus arrival information, weather conditions, public welfare publicity and other information, and set up station safety monitoring, cooling spray, etc. functions to enhance citizens’ public travel experience.

3. Build smart devices to provide accompanying smart public travel services

With smart street light poles as the main carrier, it is equipped with various equipment such as LED information screens, wireless broadcasting, one-key help, WIFI hotspot charging piles, etc. to provide citizens with full-service travel and create an interactive travel experience. At the same time, the non-motor vehicle illegal parking monitoring equipment is deployed based on the intelligent multi-functional pole, the existing public bicycle rental points and non-motor vehicle parking points are intelligently transformed, and space positioning systems such as electronic fences are set up to optimize the sharing of bicycles and electric bicycles. Parking order, effective purification of road pedestrian space.

Fluence and BioLumic partner to provide UV LED light treatment for plant growing

Fluence, a provider of LED plant lighting solutions, announced a partnership with BioLumic, a plant growth biotechnology company. It is reported that BioLumic uses ultraviolet light (UV) to sustainably improve plant yield, health, and quality through its Light Signal Recipes. (light signal formulation platform technology).

Fluence and BioLumic partner to provide UV LED light treatment for plant growing

According to the cooperation agreement, the two parties will cooperate to provide plants with BioLumic’s UV light signal through Fluence’s LED lighting solutions.

According to reports, BioLumic’s patented technology can use ultraviolet photomorphogenesis to trigger biological changes in seeds and seedlings, ultimately significantly optimizing plant performance.

The company’s proven UV Light Signal Recipes? (ultraviolet light signal formulation platform technology) can greatly improve plant yield, and achieve desirable plant traits and vigor, while also activating the plant’s natural resistance to disease and pests.

It is reported that Fluence’s lighting system will provide BioLumic’s dynamic UV light treatment during the reproduction stage of plant production, and through one light treatment, benefits can be generated throughout the plant growth cycle.

Combining solutions from BioLumic and Fluence, growers are able to reap high plant yield gains, increase cannabinoid levels and improve overall plant quality while reducing plant cycle variability.

Fluence and BioLumic will initially collaborate with selected cannabis cultivation partners while industrializing the UV commercial delivery system to enhance Fluence’s end-to-end product offering in 2023.

BioLumic CEO Steve Sibulkin said BioLumic’s Light Signal Recipes? platform technology allows growers to better utilize UV lighting to improve plant growth and gene expression without the need for significant cost or chemicals. Through this cooperation, BioLumic will accelerate the development of the optical signal platform, and Fluence will gain more opportunities to enter the global horticultural market, while strengthening its horticultural lighting product portfolio.

Art gallery lighting enters the industry standard research stage

Recently, the mid-term results report seminar of the cultural industry standard research project “Research on Art Museum Lighting Quality Evaluation Method and System” undertaken by the National Museum of China was held in the National Art Museum of China. The art museum lighting industry standard has once again aroused heated discussions in the industry.

Art gallery lighting enters the industry standard research stage

With the diversified development of society, today’s museums and art galleries must not only satisfy the public’s appreciation and research but also need to demonstrate professional ethics with universal standards around the world. More and more professionals and teams are participating in the construction of museums and art galleries. Among them, the lighting design that determines the light environment and space art effect of the museum is also particularly important.

The data shows that with the free opening, the number of national art museums has risen from more than 90 to more than 430 at present, entering a new round of rapid growth period. Therefore, the management of lighting quality in art galleries in my country should be strengthened, and the scientific operation of lighting should be standardized. It is imminent to ensure the quality of public services of art museums and the safety of cultural relics. The research team of “Research on the Method and System of Art Museum Lighting Quality Evaluation”, led by experts, investigated 3 museums and 39 representative art museums in 11 provinces and municipalities for two and a half months. Lighting quality is evaluated. According to the survey, 32% of the museums currently invest more than 5 million yuan in lighting, 38% of 1 million to 5 million yuan, 12% of 500,000 yuan to 1 million yuan, and 18% of less than 500,000 yuan.

The survey evaluated the light environment of the exhibition space (permanent exhibition, temporary exhibition) and non-display space (lobby hall, corridor and auxiliary space) of the art museum, and collected data on the visual physiological and psychological impact of different sample groups on different light sources. Through the survey, it was found that the audience had a poor sense of texture clarity and psychological pleasure in the lighting space of the permanent exhibition exhibits, while for the temporary exhibition, they felt that the three-dimensional expressiveness of the exhibits was weak and the artistic appeal of the light environment was poor. Through audience research, data collection, expert evaluation and in-depth research of five laboratories in the next stage, that is from the collection of various light source technical indicators, glare simulation experiments, visual physiological and psychological experiments, light quality experiments, and light-induced damage experiments, further Improve the evaluation index system.

It is understood that art galleries, museums, universities, research institutes and lighting companies have fully participated in the research. Through the two-way consultation of supply and demand, improve various technical requirements, and give necessary guidance to the production of enterprises, so as to realize the professional development of the art museum lighting industry. The participating experts also hope that the research results can further promote the development of related undertakings and play a positive role in the protection of cultural relics, lighting research and personnel training.

Street lighting in Pubei Yi Nationality Township, Yimen County, Yuxi, Yunnan

The Yi’egao Highway is the main traffic artery in Pubei. There is a large flow of vehicles and people along the way, and there are many openings in the villages, which brings safety hazards to passing vehicles and pedestrians. In order to further reduce the risk of accidents and ensure the travel safety of the masses, the Party Committee and the government of Pubei Township took the initiative and coordinated with multiple parties to install 100 solar street lamps in accident-prone places such as village openings and major traffic intersections along the Yi’egao Highway. A series of work such as the restoration of damaged and deformed road signs have ensured that the roads along the Pubei section of the Yi’egao Highway are brighter at night and the driver’s sight is clearer.

Street lighting in Pubei Yi Nationality Township, Yimen County, Yuxi, Yunnan

“In the past, there were no street lights, and people basically didn’t go out when it got dark. Now that the street lights are installed and the road signs are clearer, the safety of our villagers traveling at night is more secure. Thank you for the practical things the government has done for us.” Pu Yang Jianyun, a resident of Bei Community said.

“Small street lamps” support the “big people’s livelihood”, and the “posting” of street lamps not only improves the public lighting infrastructure, but also provides bright road lighting for vehicles and people passing through the road section at night, and the sense of security and happiness of the people is continuously improved.In the next step, while Pubei Township is improving the construction of lighting facilities in this section, it will also do a good job in daily patrol and maintenance, and actively create a good environment for the masses to travel at night.